On June 4th the second year students of Study Association Industria will depart to Hamburg for a weekend long company tour. They are accompanied by Pieter Van Gorp and will discover more about co-creation. What better introduction to this topic than a masterclass about GameBus & co-creation. Student got the opportunity to experience co-creation with a hands-on workshop in challenge design.
On the evening of May 11th this activity was held in Paviljoen at the TU/e. The masterclass was kicked off by Paul Brouwers with a 10 minute introduction to both GameBus and what co-creation is all about. After this Carolina Gomez Naranjo introduced the workshop where the students would actively participate in co-creation. Using sheets of paper they would define a specific challenge with a clear goal, purpose and rewards and give it a catchy name. After this the conditions of this challenge had to be crafted with little icons which could be glued to the paper.
Every group had to choose their winning idea and present it in a 2 minute pitch to the entire group. Some of our top challenges included:
Brainletics, where whilst exercising questions would come into your earplugs and you get points for both the exercise and your cognitive skills;
A Day in the Park, where families can score points if they have a picnic at a park, forest or similar and have a walk after;
Green Wheels, where the goal is to use the car as little as possible, except when this is used to support an elderly to go to his/her location.
After all pitches feedback was collected from all attendees. Even though many of the participants were not familiar to the idea of Co-creation after a while everyone started to enjoy the creative process. Overall participants left with a good feeling about what co-creation and got a deeper understanding of the advantages the process gives to the productive process.
Written by Paul Brouwers.
Images provided by Industria TU/e.