
GameBus lets you play the different games you enjoy truly as an individual in such a way that you are part of an integrated social interaction. Among others,
elderly are able to play their favorite brain training game (e.g., Sudoku or Wordfeud) while joining forces with their younger peers that go out for a
physical activity (e.g. running).

GameBus enables companies and governments to sponsor competitions and reward end users according to custom rules. End users can also create private challenges for informal prizes.
Join the Eindhoven GO competition today and win prizes by visiting specific DDW locations!



Do you want to win one of these amazing awards?


How to win one of these rewards

Install the GameBus app. For more information look in this page.

Check in with GameBus

Hungry for more activities on health? There is more than enough on offer during DDW! To get you started we will point you towards some more initiatives. They all are related to health then, now and in the future. And there are a lot of activities you can attend. Have fun on the go!

In the map below an overview is given of all the Eindhoven GO locations that you can visit to score points for the Eindhoven GO challenge in the GameBus app.

DDW map main locations-01
Eindhoven GO spots (Social selfie)

1. Expositie Eindhoof je mee?shows what is happening in the
field of the green environment, public space, exercise and fresh
air and invites you to participate.
Stadhuis, Stadhuisplein 1, daily 11-18 hours

2. Erfgoedhuis provides information on health and habitat in the past.
Gasfabriek, NRE-terrein, weekends 10-18 hours, work days 10-17 hours

3. Provincie Noord-Brabant: Brabant Living Lab shows developments around the topics of climate change, nutrition and public transport.
Ketelhuisplein, Strijp-S,daily 11-18 hours

4. Expositie The Social Design Street shows creative solutions for  neighborhood issues such as safet, durability and ageing.
Woonbedrijf, Wal 2, weekends 11-17 hours,work days 9-17 hours


Selfie code

Selfie Code flyers-01

Do not forget to grab the selfie code flyer to score points.

Need help?

Visit our GameBus booth at the city hall, stadhuisplein 10 Eindhoven.

Bonus Challenge

Want to join an extra challenge of GameBus read here more about the Bonus Challenge.